Ernesto -

> I downloaded latest FreeAmp source for linux and tried to compile it.
> ./configure runs just fine, but making give this error:
> io/arts/src/artspmo.cpp:35:25: artsc/artsc.h: No such file or directory
> make[1]: ***[io/arts/src/artsmpo.o] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory '/homme/ernesto/freeamp'
> make: ***[plugins-cc] Error 2
> I checked out if the file exists, and it does. It is in
> /usr/include/kde/artsc/artsc.h

You might want to make sure configure is defining your 
HAVE_KDE_ARTSC_ARTSC_H.  If this is defined freeamp
(specifically artspmo.cpp) will try to find artsc.h in kde/artsc
otherwise (if it is not defined) it will look in artsc.  Since you
know where your artsc.h is located, you could just remove the ifdef from the 
include statement.  So you would have this:

#include <kde/artsc/artsc.h>
/* #else */
/* #include <artsc/artsc.h> */
/* #endif */

Good luck!


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