FYI. Regarding the current LTANS WG at IETF.

--                   Alexandre Dulaunoy (adulau) --
--         "Knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance
--                                that we can solve them" Isaac Asimov

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 06:45:43 -0500
From: Carl Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Meeting minutes

Wallace: WG status and Archive Requirements document status briefings

- Abandoned aggressive schedule

- Three working group documents in progress: Archive Requirements document,
ERS and Notary document

- Agreement: Requirements document can assert that both crypto and
non-crypto are ok, but the WG work will focus on crypto mechanisms.  (SC:
question what about 2 of 2 with a random stream for XOR - will that meet the

- What is Archive Policy?  Is this recertification/timing policy.  Timing
and mechanism (signature based or hash based time stamp) and access control
and access policy.  Who is allowed to change archivation period is access
control policy?

Masinter: Notary Services discussion

- Definition of notary debate, name being changed to data certification and
validation services

- Went through the document

- Can a human notary use the document to perform their services

- Trials in CA on electronic notary.  We do not know what it is: electronic
assistance to notary, replacement of notary.

- Went through use cases of human notary and how electronic notary will do

- Specific workflows in the Notary document

- DVCS is proposed as a place to build on.  Is there any prohibition on
moving it from PKIX to LTANS.  PKIX mail list should be asked.  It seems to
be experimental RFC and hence ok.

- How we got to data certification from notary?

- Long term trusted third party certification

- Debate with Chokhani on Archiving Vs. Notary.  Not sure what the

- Russ: Are you happy with the outcome.

- Larry: Seem to be happy with single service that offers archival and
notary.  He felts that they go hand in hand in the sense that there is no
benefit to electronic notary without long temr archive.

- Carl calls on OASIS and W3 - No response.

- Collapse the archive and notary requirements document into one.

- Russ: When will the documents be coming to IESG for approval?

- Carl: Most likely not before Minneapolis.  Need WG consensus first.

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