My daughters 18 yr old friend is 8 months pregnant with no family and 
no help.  She has NOTHING for the baby.  She needs absolutely 
everything.  I am on a fixed income and unable to provide her with the 
things she needs for him.  We don't belong to a church so we can't ask 
the congregation and since I became disabled all of my friends have 
abandoned me so even if I had the money there's no friends to throw a 
shower with.  We don't have a church so we can't ask the congregation.  
We have tried freecycle in our town and craiglist.  There's no 
craiglist near us, the closest is 40  miles away and she doesn't have 
transporttation and we have came up empty handed on freecycle.  Does 
anyone have any newborn boy things they can part with along with maybe 
some bottles and blankets, etc?  We are located in Decatur Illinois. 
Thanks for reading this.

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