Currently in Practice:  Doctors in the USA 

788,662 in total <> 17,905 emails

Doctors in many different specialties

Over a dozen sortable fields

Now offered at the lower rate:  $391

<><><> You get these for F-Ree with every order this week <><><>

==> US Pharmaceutical Company Executives Database
  47,000 names and emails of the major positions

==> Hospital Facilities in the USA
  complete contact information for CEO's, CFO's, Directors and more - over 
23,000 listings in total for more than 7,000 hospitals in the USA

==> American Dentists
  597,000 dentists and dental services ( a $350 value!) 

==> American Chiropractors Contact List
  100k Chiropractors offices with full contact data including email, postal 
address, phone and fax

Email us at:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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