WebMD - Weight Control Newsletter

Friday, August 14, 2009 

        In This Issue:
                      • Don’t Let Girls’ Night Out Ruin Your Waistline
                      • Banish Weight Gain Behaviors
                      • A New Diet Pill, but Is It Safe?


                                                                Ready, Set ... 
Get StartedWith a Weight Loss Plan
                                                                Fad diets don't 
work for true weight loss,
                                                                and they can be 
dangerous. Get smart
                                                                and get fast 
weightloss safety tips.
                                Also See:
                                  • Can Water Help You Lose Weight?
                                                                  • Getting 
Restarted on Weight Loss
                                  • Go Ahead, Indulge! (a Little)


         Health News & Features
                                        Don’t Let Girls’ Night Out Ruin Your 
Girls' night out is great, but eating with a large group of female friends 
may bust your diet.

                                        Also See: 
                                          • Stress Adds Belly Fat
                      • High Cholesterol Linked to Alzheimer's
                                        Banish Weight Gain Behaviors
You may be sabotaging your weight loss program with eating habits you don't 
even know you have.
                                        Also See: 
                                          • Stay Hydrated: Here's How!
                      • The Benefits of Summer Corn
                                        More From WebMD: 
                                          • The Sweet Truth About Chocolate - 
See Pictures
                      • ADHD: Top Foods for Better Focus
                    • Weight Control After Hysterectomy                         
                Members Are Talking
                    A New Diet Pill, but Is It Safe?
This member really wants to lose weight. She's considering a new diet pill and 
asks others for feedback.
                                        Read more on the Diet Tools and Tips 
message board.
        From Our Sponsors
                    Pregnant?  Give Your Baby Every Advantage for a Healthy 
The blood remaining in your baby's umbilical cord after it has been cut is rich 
in stem cells. These cells have already been used to treat nearly 70 serious 
conditions-including brain injury and cancer. Cord blood stem cells can only be 
collected minutes after your baby's birth, so it's important to know your 
options before you get to the delivery room. Explore what cord blood banking 
has to offer your family. Visit the Cord Blood Banking Education Center

                    Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis-Real Patients, Real Stories, 
Real Life
Looking for something beyond anti-TNF treatment for RA? Watch as Jay and his 
doctor talk about deciding on a therapy that works in a different, targeted 
way. Jay & Dr. Mease Discuss Targeted B-Cell Therapy

                    Atherosclerosis: What's Cholesterol Got to Do With It?
One major cause of atherosclerosis, or "athero" as it's called, is high levels 
of LDL (bad) cholesterol, which play a role in the formation of plaque buildup. 
Learn more about a treatment that may be able to help slow the progression of 
atherosclerosis and get tips for starting the conversation with your doctor. 
Learn More About Cholesterol and Athero - the Artery connection

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