On Tue, 2013-12-31 at 18:49 +1100, Ian Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Dec 2013 17:39:04 -0500, ito wrote:
>  > Ok, 
>  > 
>  >      So I have tried looking around more, and working on powerd.There 
> seems 
>  > to be no difference in any change I make aside from the temperature 
> staying 
>  > below where I set PSV.
>  > 
>  > hw.acpi.thermal.tz0_PSV: 85C
>  > 
>  > (set back to what it was)
> So does your noisy fan run less often with powerd running? 

Not as far as I can tell. Negligible if any.

>  Does it run 
> cooler when idle now? 

It does run cooler when the passive cooling setpoint is lower (under
duress), other than that it hovers between 59-64C.  

>  What freq does it run at when idle?  Here I run 
> gkrellm which displays freq and temperature among many other goodies.
I will install that.

>  > > I wouldn't worry about that.  Are you not running powerd(8)?  As Kevin 
>  > > Oberman often points out, p4tcc is for thermal control - as we've just 
>  > > exercised - but cpufreq(4), controlled by powerd, is the way to save 
>  > > power when you don't need the CPU running at maximum frequency, which is 
>  > > likely most times.  Running it slower when idle _greatly_ reduces heat.
>  > 
>  >     cpufreq and powerd, but I have a question about that; in the man page
>  >  for powerd, a bug is stated thus;
>  > "if powerd is used with power_profile, they may override each other."
>  > 
>  > -in any case it seems to me both are being used on this machine.-
>  > 
>  > man cpu freq --------snip----------
>  > ..."The cpufreq driver provides a unified kernel and user interface to CPU
>  > frequency control drivers.  It combines multiple drivers offering different
>  > settings into a single interface of all possible levels.  Users can access 
>  > this interface directly via sysctl(8) or by indicating to 
>  > /etc/rc.d/power_profile that it should switch settings when the AC line 
> state
>  > changes via rc.conf(5)"...
>  > 
>  > ------------snip------------
>  > 
>  > I thought that cpufreq calls or is called by /etc/rc.d/power_profile.  I 
> see
>  > in the script that is 'power_profile' that it is called via devd.
>  > 
>  > Does one actually edit the script, /etc/rc.d/power_profile?  Or is there 
>  > a more user friendly approach? 

> This is not really a problem; no, and yes.  devd only runs power_profile 
> whenever the line state changes between AC power and battery.

Right! that hadn't sunk in after reading it multiple times.
In /etc/rc.d/power_profile

>   When this 
> happens, power_profile sets both C-state and CPU frequency to the values 
> set in rc.conf of the below variables, the default settings of which are 
> in /etc/defaults/rc.conf:
> performance_cx_lowest="HIGH"    # Online CPU idle state
> performance_cpu_freq="NONE"     # Online CPU frequency
> economy_cx_lowest="HIGH"        # Offline CPU idle state
> economy_cpu_freq="NONE"         # Offline CPU frequency

> With performance_cpu_freq and economy_cpu_freq set to the default NONE, 
> you'll see that power_profile makes no change to CPU frequency.  If you 
> set it to say HIGH or LOW, then power_profile will set freq to the max 
> or min freq - or other value you specify - but only until powerd next 
> adjusts freq according to load, likely less than 500ms later, so even 
> then it's really a non-issue .. only relevant when NOT using powerd.
> You likely DO want to set performance_cx_lowest and economy_cx_lowest 
> however.  I use "C3" for both but that may not be best for your Celeron:
> smithi on t23% sysctl dev.cpu.0 | grep -v '\.%'
> dev.cpu.0.freq: 733
> dev.cpu.0.freq_levels: 1133/19100 733/102500
> dev.cpu.0.cx_supported: C1/0 C2/84 C3/120
> dev.cpu.0.cx_lowest: C3
> dev.cpu.0.cx_usage: 0.02% 28.09% 71.87% last 681us

Those are set to C2 and running in that state 99%. AC power.

> You can see mine's mostly running C3 state (on AC power), nice and cool 
> and easy on power .. I'm only listening to a radio stream and typing :)
> Read https://wiki.freebsd.org/TuningPowerConsumption for the good oil.

>  > While trying to dig out the problem:
> Non-problem, but digging is educational ..
>  > I tried kldstat -v | grep cpu
>  > 
>  >              503  cpu/smist
>  >              502  cpu/powernow
>  >              501  cpu/p4tcc
>  >              500  cpu/hwpstate
>  >              499  cpu/est
>  >              486  legacy/cpu
>  >              33   cpu/acpi_perf
>  >              24   acpi/cpu
>  >              410  cpu/cpufreq
>  >              112  cpu/ichss
>  >              37   cpu/acpi_throttle
>  > 
>  > Most if not all of these are related to thermal control, no?  It looks 
> like there
>  > is redundancy, is that the case?
> No, GENERIC contains drivers for many CPUs and chipsets.  See cpufreq(4) 
> which mentions all those except hwpstate, for some AMDs I recall, as is 
> powernow, though all the cpufreq drivers still lack their own man pages.
> cheers, Ian
> PS you may find freebsd-mobile a better list for many questions such as 
> this one, not specifically to do with ACPI functioning and development.

Yes, and that was my next question, where else to ask/look.



> [snip]

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