I have 2 laptops as mentioned, 3 all amd athlon based. The 3rd is an asus which I'm relatively happy with.

What I have is when I pull the AC out of it, the sysctl for cpu speed goes from 2200 to 100 or 400. Basically the system becomes rather unusable.

I tried the acpi_hp module, and it now switches to 800. This is better, but barely usable still.

I'd like to see a response similar to the asus if its possible; this effectively stays the same, but drops speed if nothing is happening.

Ideally, I'd think that it would be better if the system adjusted speed to use requirements during operation, but neither does that. I suspect that the asus should (in theory) as it does do it on battery only; but unless I'm really hammering all the time, it just doesn't seem to happen when I'm looking at it.

The settings used on all for powerd is hiadaptive for AC, adaptive for battery.

If I'm doing something wrong let me know, if more data is required I'm happy to help the cause :)

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