
I am writing this e-mail hoping that someone will share my thoughts
on how the world's best operating system should represent its attributes
and users to the rest of the world.

Being an architect as well as graphic designer, I feel it is about time
for a complete revamp of the visual aesthetics of the FreeBSD project.
The current logo and everything pertaining to it has long since lost its
modern touch. I believe that if this image is strenghtened, so is the
way outsiders view the FreeBSD project and the way they would judge it
compared to other open source operating systems.

1. Not only is the logo misleading (associating evil) but it also looks
   like something 10-year-olds could produce in Paint Shop Pro ten years
   ago. OpenBSD has an artistic touch to theirs, however I was very
   disappointed when I heard that the new NetBSD logo was in effect.

2. If it wasn't for the interesting content and structure of the FreeBSD
   website, it would be among the less beautiful. Yes, it serves its
   purpose well by being simple and straight to the point. But a redesign
   could offer just the same -- simplicity and accuracy -- without being

3. The installation, even though it's text-only, could also be improved
   by simple restructuring to act more cognitive and human-centered than
   previously. Everything pertaining to the eye is important to improve.

4. There should be some kind of FreeBSD business card and letterhead
   available to all that support this project.

How do I know though, that if I manage to pull together a team to work
on this refined vision, that we won't be totally ignored even though we
produce the most magnificent result?

Anyone that are interested, please reply ;-)

Johann Manaf Tepstad

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