--- Daniel Seuffert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dru schrieb:
> > 
> > I met Nikolay at the BSD booth at Linuxworld
> Boston and he is interested 
> > in putting together a BSD booth at OpenFest in
> Sofia, Bulgaria later 
> > this year. Do we have any contacts in that part of
> the world who can 
> > make sure that there is some FreeBSD swag at the
> booth? Please cc 
> > Nikolay in any responses in case he is not
> subscribed to this list.
> > 
> > Dru
> Hi Dru and Nikolay :-)
> The only FreeBSD I know personally in Bulgaria are
> Shteryana Shopova
> and Peter Pentchev; I cc'ed both of them.
> Last time I saw Shteryana at FOSDEM, Brussels, in
> February I gave
> her a bunch of FreeBSD-CDs to distribute them in
> Bulgaria.
> I would be glad if someone helps Nikolay organizing
> a booth.
The idea of having FreeBSD booth at OpenFest in Sofia
is great - I'll be glad to help and we'll find some
other people to help too.
> I can send him CDs/DVDs, posters and ohter stuff if
> he likes.
> It would also be if someone in Bulgaria could
> translate the
> stuff at http://www.allbsd.de/src/Flyer/FreeBSD/PDF/
> (Please
> note that we currently work hard to improve those
> flyers and add
> 10 more, work is progressing fast).
I can start working on translating the stuff in
Bulgarian - as far as I know OpenFest will take place
sometime mid October - plenty of time to prepare
Bulgarian flyers until then. I'll probably need some
instructions on file format and how to submit
translations and ... 
> Of course I would like to see people translating
> those flyers to other
> languages... If you are interested feel free to
> contact me.
> Daniel
I don't know if Nikolay has mentioned that but there's
also a separate BSD-related track of lectures during
OpenFest - the so called local BSDCon and we were
hoping to trick some FreeBSD people into giving a talk
this year.


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