Julian H. Stacey schrieb:
> Edwin Groothuis wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 03, 2007 at 08:15:23PM +0100, Robert Watson wrote:
>>> While at Google a couple of weeks ago, I gave my "How the FreeBSD Project 
>>> Works" talk.  The video from that is now online:
>>>   http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-4400856579609253323
> This is a Problematic Page
> Problems accessing with these browsers:
>       Mozilla consistently crashes when I view this web page.
>               (hang on transferring, page refresh fails on X page change)
>       Dillo   I dont see how to start download.
>       Mosaic  I dont see how to start download.
>       Amaya   I dont see how to start download.
>       Chimera "Could not load the first document because the document did not 
> exist or the URL was incorrect."
>       Amaya   reports parsing errors (but log empty) (but that an old 
>               binary based on 6.1 tree, lib problem not impossible)
>       Kazekahase      First browser I tried that shows frames & enormous
>                       empty frame with 
>                               "Click to download a plug in"
>                       Which when clicked does nothing.
>                       Finally one's eye finds a small download
>                       button off to right & download starts for
>                       14516e2c0a7543a1.avi.avi.part
>>> This is the same talk I've given previously at EuroBSDCon, AsiaBSDCon, 
>>> UKUUG, and LinuxForum in the last six motnhs; it's significantly enhanced 
>>> from the version that I gave at BSDCan last year (the first time I gave it).
>> Nice one! I've linked it at
>> http://www.mavetju.org/unix/multimedia/freebsd/multimedia.html.
> & at http://berklix.org/techtalk/#archives
> Would be nice if [EMAIL PROTECTED] maintained a central index

Use keepvid.com for downloading the flash movie in another format.
Also VLC and/or mplayer should run flash movies.


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