On Sat, Jan 19, 2013 at 05:37:30PM -0600, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
> I'd like to write an article (a lot later this year) celebrating 
> FreeBSD's upcoming great milestone by briefly summarizing the 20 most 
> significant events in FreeBSD's life.  It doesn't have to be one event 
> per each year, but that would be an interesting thing to do also.
> Please share your thoughts and opinions for this. (I already have a list 
> in progress.) You may email me directly off-list if you'd like.

I'd suggest the loss of Jordan Hubbard as "Leader*" and the subsequent
incorporation of the BSD userland in OS X as a possibility.

Kevin Kinsey

*I use the term loosely, probably somewhat ignorantly, and with no 
intention of offense.  Lots of F/OSS projects seem to have a BDFL;
perhaps one of the strengths of FreeBSD is that it doesn't really?
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