I didn't know the context at first, so I looked around and ... damn.

First things first: I STRONGLY agree with Allen Schreiber right here.

Someone really needs to step in and --- at the very least ---
disassociate her from FreeBSD.
I think her association, combined with her actions, are toxic to the
community (doubly so for outside viwers, many of which might see her
as a face of FreeBSD, because of the username... E.g.:

I think the toxicity is scaring people away, and something should be
done ASAP. This applies especially to people who are considering
trying out FreeBSD, but will now rather avoid it entirely (as opposed
to current users, who *know* the community isn't toxic, in general).
Remember that both her username, and her statements, strongly imply
that she is strongly connected to the FreeBSD Foundation (and/or

On top of all this, the initial point of congestion is completely
unrelated to FreeBSD, as well. I think this comment sums it up rather
nicely: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9763233

For the record:
My association[s] with FreeBSD are as a desktop user, as a sysadmin,
and as a port maintainer; I am planning on expanding my direct
contributions to other things (more ports, or maybe core devel).
Full disclosure: I know xmj (not personally, but via the CopyFree
Initiative). I did do my research before passing any judgement on the
matter (since I knew nothing about the context at the start). The
opinion on my part regarding this matter is final, and clear.

- Tim Čas
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