On 12/09/2017 01:40, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> Hannes Hauswedell wrote:
>> the FSFE is planning a session on the 34th Chaos Communication Congress
>> about Free operating systems that are not based on Linux. We want to
>> promote "free software diversity" and would love have someone introduce
>> FreeBSD to the audience. We are also inviting the other BSDs,
>> OpenSolaris/IllumOS and also GNU/Hurd :D
> 27th to 30th December 2017, 34th Chaos Communication Congress Leipzig.
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/search?query=leipzig#map=11/51.3395/12.3811
> South West of Berlin, Germany, Europe

so see you at the bsd assembly of course ;-)

last year (33c3) i "reestablished" an assembly for bsd (and other sweet
unix flavors) at (chaos communication) congress.

for next year (35c3 (27th to 30th december 2018 in germany)) i would
like to organize "a big one". so please take a note in your calendars
for the end of 2018 everyone. if you are interested to join 35c3 let me

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