Hey, guess what,

I’m starting a blog. 
 You may ask…” Vincent, why are starting a blog, aren’t you busy running Whole 
Armor Media and Recordings?”

Yes, good question. But here’s the answer, The Flow of Reciprocity.

The Flow of Reciprocity simply means this:
What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself.
I wish — no I pray — that I will address issues in my blog that can help you 
live your best life on purpose, based on the purpose that God has for you.

For 2 Co 9:8 says:
...God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all 
times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.
By helping you figure out what you need, I know I am ultimately going to learn 
something to bless me.
So, when you visit my blog, 
 I promise to do this by
1. Revealing things from a different point of view that you may not have 
2. Inform, Instruct, and Inspire.
3. Making these principles practical and easy to apply.
4. Recommending only products that can help you reach your purpose.

As the late, great Zig Ziglar once said, “Help enough other people get what 
they want, and you can have anything that you want.”

So, visit my blog at VincentWoodard.com 
  and get your copy of the eBook I wrote titled
Empowering Grace (available as a free download). You can learn more about it 

Until next time, celebrate, appreciate, and live your best life on purpose!


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