On Fri, 23 Jul 1999, Bruce Evans wrote:

> >> > Put -O back in the COPTFLAGS.
> >> 
> >> It works now. Is there any explaination why -O is required? :)
> >
> >Noone compiles without -O, so(/and) it's not supported. My take is
> It is supported, but someone broke it.

Since when? Every so often someone comes along (from a pool of maybe 5
people who _don't_ use -O) and complains about it being broken. If
anyone developing it actually used it, it wouldn't be broken. As it
stands, there's no good reason not to have -O.

> >that EGCS says "Hey, I am in optimization level foobar! I can optimize
> >for unused code. Hmm... that's unused, so...". Either that or its
> >debugging support is really uNFed up.
> -O works because optimisation removes an unused reference to a nonexistent
> variable.  The variable once existed and was used.  It still exists under
> a different name.

So I was right (in my way that totally denies any type of actual understanding
;)?  You're the one to have delved deep into GCC :)

> Bruce

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