On Tue, 10 Aug 1999, Daniel O'Connor wrote:

> On 10-Aug-99 Brian F. Feldman wrote:
> > > Sure.. but you still have window of time where the audio is at its default
> > > level before the rc stuff is run..
> >  Why... would audio be playing from rc? Bear in mind, it would be set
> >  even before rc.local...
> I have a radio connected to line in on my sound card.

Then that would be playing during the entire bootup, wouldn't it? What,
does it play only after the card has been detected?

> ---
> Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
> for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
> "The nice thing about standards is that there
> are so many of them to choose from."
>   -- Andrew Tanenbaum

 Brian Fundakowski Feldman      _ __ ___ ____  ___ ___ ___  
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