<<On Wed, 18 Aug 1999 13:04:31 -0700, Amancio Hasty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Or if there is a system call  or modification to open such that I can issue :
> open("pci0:10:0", .....)

Don't be silly.

> On the kernel side, I hope that the pci code can translate a bus enumeration
> to an actual major , minor device.

No, it knows nothing about special files, nor should it.


Garrett A. Wollman   | O Siem / We are all family / O Siem / We're all the same
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | O Siem / The fires of freedom 
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MIT, LCS, CRS, or NSA|                     - Susan Aglukark and Chad Irschick

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