In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Michael 
Reifenberger writes:
: if I do an upgrade to -current on my Tecra8000 the ep* driver stopps working.

The ep driver works in -current.

: The message from pccardc is that he failed the resouce allocation.

Fix the resource allocation error. :-)  That's really the only way
that you'll be able to fix it.

: A Kernel: "FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #0: Wed Jul 14 00:14:01 CEST 1999" works for ep0
: but has the same error for sio*.
: So under -current now at least ep* and sio* are not working.

sio hasn't worked for a long long time in -current.

: Warner, would it be possible for you to integrate what you have so far into
: -current for testing since it can't get worse anymore.

sio still doesn't work.  ep0 works great for me and has been one of
the cards that I used extesively in development of the new pccard
kludge code.


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