On Mon, 13 Sep 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This kind of thing, where there is no bug ... where the subject is a
request for a new feature, isn't this kind of thing the wrong way for
folks to be using the trouble reporting system?

Or is this the way we want it to happen?  It seems to me that allowing
such use of gnats makes it miserably hard for folks to close some PRs.

> >Number:         13729
> >Category:       ports
> >Synopsis:       strip(1) exits with an error on script file - causes severe 
>portability problems
> >Confidential:   no
> >Severity:       serious
> >Priority:       medium
> >Responsible:    freebsd-ports
> >State:          open
> >Quarter:        
> >Keywords:       
> >Date-Required:
> >Class:          sw-bug
> >Submitter-Id:   current-users
> >Arrival-Date:   Mon Sep 13 09:30:01 PDT 1999
> >Closed-Date:
> >Last-Modified:
> >Originator:     Patrick Powell
> >Release:        3.2-Release, 4-Current
> >Organization:
> Astart Technologies
> >Environment:
> >Description:
> strip(1) fails with an error when asked to strip shell
> scripts.  This behavior is documented as follows:
>        GNU strip discards all symbols from the object files
>        objfile.  The list of object files may include archives.
>        At least one object file must be given.
>        strip modifies the files named in its argument, rather
>        than writing modified copies under different names.
> In many install scripts for code you have:
>   $(INSTALL) -s .... 
>               ^^^ -s specified for ALL installable executable
>               objects including perl scripts, shell, scripts,
>               etc.
> This requires a huge amount of effort when porting to FreeBSD because
> you now have to determine which executables can or cannot be stripped.
> I strongly recommend you do a test in the strip code for ALLOWABLE
> magic numbers,  strip those,  and ignore the rest.I 
> >How-To-Repeat:
> strip a shell script - you get an error.
> More seri
> >Fix:
> 1. modify man page to indicate that strip only works on object
>     files or executable files,  and ignores others
> 2. modify action so that it checks to see if it has an allowable
>      item to strip and then does it.
> In the strip code,  find the place where it checks for 'magic numbers'
> of allowable executables,  and rather than exiting with a non-zero
> error code, simply exit with a 0 error code or continue to the
> next file to strip.
> >Release-Note:
> >Audit-Trail:
> >Unformatted:
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[EMAIL PROTECTED]             | communications topic, C programming, Unix and
213 Lakeside Drive Apt T-1 | carpentry.  It's all in the design!
Greenbelt, MD 20770        | picnic.mat.net: FreeBSD/i386
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