:The "md" driver I committed today is mostly a proof-of-concept thing
:which came out of a chat with Peter Wemm.
:It acts like a disk in all aspects, although it will be hard to boot
:from it :-)
:It will do very simple compression, in that a sector (512bytes)
:which is filled with the same character throughout, will not be
:allocated as a full sector, instead just the byte value is saved.
:In practice this means that making a 10M filesystem doesn't take
:10M of ram, until you fill data into it.  The driver will also free
:the sectors after you delete a file from the filesystem (ufs only).
:# disklabel -r -w md0 auto
:# newfs md0c
:# vmstat -m | grep "   MD s"
:   MD sectors   635   318K    318K 21136K      635    0     0  512
:# mount /dev/md0c /mnt
:# cp /kernel /mnt
:# vmstat -m | grep "   MD s"
:   MD sectors  4178  2089K   2089K 21136K     4178    0     0  512
:# rm /mnt/kernel
:# vmstat -m | grep "   MD s"
:   MD sectors   636   318K   2120K 21136K     4240    0     0  512
:# umount /mnt
:# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rmd0
:# vmstat -m | grep "   MD s"
:   MD sectors     0     0K   2120K 21136K     4240    0     0  512

    That's very interesting.  You can do the same thing with the VN
    device, using swap-backing, except it does not do any compression.

test3:/root# vnconfig -s labels -c -S 32g vn0
test3:/root# pstat -s
Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
/dev/od0b     1048448        0  1048448     0%    Interleaved
/dev/da1b     1048448        0  1048448     0%    Interleaved
/dev/da2b     1048448        0  1048448     0%    Interleaved
Total         3145344        0  3145344     0%

test3:/root# disklabel -r -w vn0 auto
test3:/root# newfs /dev/rvn0c
Warning: Block size restricts cylinders per group to 8.
/dev/rvn0c:     67108864 sectors in 2048 cylinders of 1 tracks, 32768 sectors
        32768.0MB in 256 cyl groups (8 c/g, 128.00MB/g, 8128 i/g)
super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 32, 262176, 524320, 786464, 1048608, 1310752, 1572896, 1835040, 2097184,
 2359328, 2621472, 2883616, 3145760, 3407904, 3670048, 3932192, 4194336,
 4456480, 4718624, 4980768, 5242912, 5505056, 5767200, 6029344, 6291488,
 62128160, 62390304, 62652448, 62914592, 63176736, 63438880, 63701024,
 63963168, 64225312, 64487456, 64749600, 65011744, 65273888, 65536032,
 65798176, 66060320, 66322464, 66584608, 66846752

test3:/root#  pstat -s
Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
/dev/od0b     1048448    88092   960356     8%    Interleaved
/dev/da1b     1048448    88064   960384     8%    Interleaved
/dev/da2b     1048448    88064   960384     8%    Interleaved
Total         3145344   264220  2881124     8%
test3:/root# mount /dev/vn0c /mnt
test3:/root# cp /kernel /mnt
test3:/root# pstat -s
Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
/dev/od0b     1048448    88764   959684     8%    Interleaved
/dev/da1b     1048448    88704   959744     8%    Interleaved
/dev/da2b     1048448    88704   959744     8%    Interleaved
Total         3145344   266172  2879172     8%

test3:/root# rm /mnt/kernel
test3:/root# pstat -s
Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
/dev/od0b     1048448    88092   960356     8%    Interleaved
/dev/da1b     1048448    88064   960384     8%    Interleaved
/dev/da2b     1048448    88064   960384     8%    Interleaved
Total         3145344   264220  2881124     8%

test3:/root# umount /mnt
test3:/root# vnconfig -u vn0
test3:/root# pstat -s
Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
/dev/od0b     1048448        0  1048448     0%    Interleaved
/dev/da1b     1048448        0  1048448     0%    Interleaved
/dev/da2b     1048448        0  1048448     0%    Interleaved
Total         3145344        0  3145344     0%

    However, for general use it is recommended that one use the 
    'reserve' flag for swap-backed VN filesystems to pre-reserve all
    necessary swap in order to maintain performance.  And enabling
    softupdates on it once you've newfs'd is also a good idea.

    Just for kicks:

test3:/root# vnconfig -s labels -c -S 4t vn0
test3:/root# disklabel -r -w vn0 auto
test3:/root# disklabel vn0
bytes/sector: 4096
8 partitions:
#        size   offset    fstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
  c: 1073741824        0    unused        0     0               # (Cyl.    0 - 4194303)
test3:/root# pstat -s
Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
Total         3145344        8  3145336     0%

test3:/root# newfs /dev/rvn0c
preposterous size 0             <---------------------------

    I find that totally amusing.  I think I'm going to fix newfs, it really
    should be able to handle a 4 terrabyte filesystem.

:Poul-Henning Kamp             FreeBSD coreteam member
:[EMAIL PROTECTED]               "Real hackers run -current on their laptop."

                                        Matthew Dillon 
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