On 1999-Nov-24 15:33:14 +1100, Brian Fundakowski Feldman wrote:
>I'd like to note something.  Strcat isn't necessarily unsafe, and strncat()
>isn't necessarily safe.

I wasn't implying that.  In fact, I believe the semantics of strncat()
put it into the `hard to use correctly' category (or maybe `very likely
to be misused').

>       if (fscanf(file, "%d:foo:%.*s", &smurf, sizeof(something),
>           something)  /* This is safe, of course. */
Beep.  You lose.  "%.*s" doesn't exist in *scanf() [I thought it did,
but it's not mentioned in either scanf(3) or the source].  You have
to specify field widths as literals (which makes this sort of code
a real PITA).

>#define SNPARGS(buf, len) buf + len, sizeof(buf) > len ? sizeof(buf) - len : 0
>        char action2[32], proto[47], name[18], fragment[17];
>        /* Print command name */
>        snprintf(SNPARGS(name, 0), "ipfw: %d", f ? f->fw_number : -1);
>Despite the fact that the buffer name[] was made to be exactly the
>largest size, where sprintf() _would_be_safe_,

Not necessarily true.  Consider a system where sizeof(int)==8 (such C
compilers exist today).  In this case "%d" can take 20 characters, but
the code above code assumes an int can always be printed in 11

>  Don't get caught doing this.
>If you find a strcat() (for example), see if it's safe.  If it is,
>then why replace it?

Confirming that it is safe (checking all the paths by which the
strcat() can be reached) might take substantial effort (if the buffers
and/or range checks are widely separated from the strcat() call.

In addition, someone might add a new path to the strcat(), or might
change a buffer size, without properly checking all the ramifications.

I tend towards the approach that unless it's immediately obvious that
it's safe, you are better off using strlcat() (or maybe strncat()).


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