
I have an unconventional setup at home, my PC and an little 386/40 w/o
NPU and disk that is routing my net over an ISDN line with i4b
to the world.
(the router is because there are no free slots anymore in the PC to put
the ISDN card in, it is an oldish dual P100 EISA/PCI machine running -current
from 3 days ago)
So far so good.
The problem is, the os on this little diskless router is dated. It is a
pre ELF 3.0-current with an I4b from this time too.

I have had some problems to get my setup with an new provider (new job)
working on an ascent max 1800 and I have decided to update this old router.

The router has an wd8013 with an nb8390 boot rom, this seems to make an a.out
kernel the way to go (currently)

(the linker claims on an symbol _swapdev that he cloudn't find, please someone
from the committers can comment this symbol out in sys/i386/i386/symbols.raw
nobody needs it anymore)

Now I get the Root mount failed: 22 - problem and the machine is asking nicley
for a root device. NFS is NOT listed in the list of possible bootdevices, only MFS ?!
and something like nfs: seems to be totally wrong here....
                      ^            ^
I get :
no search device: testroot
setrootdevname failed.
(from my memory, may be a little incorrect)

the panic following later is surely related on to this, but it is a page fault.

What should I do ?

Is an NFS root supported in -current ?
How is the syntax to set the rootdevice ?
How about /boot/loader and friends <-> and etherboot ?
(the port is outdated, it references etherboot-2.4.5.tar.gz
and no one has this old file anymore, current is 2.4.10)

Any hints ?

Thanks in advance,

PS: sorry for my poor english
FreibergNet Systemhaus GbR      Holm Tiffe  * Administration, Development
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