I just cvsuped to -current right after bind-8.2.2 was merged into the source tree.  I noticed two problems.  Su won't work and traceroute gives me the following
traceroute: icmp socket: Operation not permitted
here are its permissions
-r-sr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  12076 Dec  1 14:15 /usr/sbin/traceroute
su just says Sorry and it has the same permissions, I ran gdb on it and here's a screen shot
253                             if (pwd->pw_uid == 0 && (gr = getgrgid((gid_t)0)) &&
(gdb) step
255                                     for (g = gr->gr_mem;; ++g) {
(gdb) step
256                                             if (!*g) {
(gdb) step
262                                             if (strcmp(username, *g) == 0) {
(gdb) step
255                                     for (g = gr->gr_mem;; ++g) {
(gdb) step
256                                             if (!*g) {
(gdb) step
262                                             if (strcmp(username, *g) == 0) {
(gdb) step
271                     if (*pwd->pw_passwd) {
(gdb) step
278                             p = skey_getpass("Password:", pwd, 1);
(gdb) step
279                             if (!(!strcmp(pwd->pw_passwd, skey_crypt(p, pwd->pw_passwd, pwd, 1))
(gdb) step
292                                             fprintf(stderr, "Sorry\n");
Anyone have any ideas?  I am in the wheel group, but I shouldn't have to be for traceroute and I have this problem for all users, including new ones that I create.

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