> AFAICT, it's enough to just align the stack before doing anything else.
> In this case it means aligning the stack somewhere before
> (exit(main(...)). gcc maintains proper alignment on an aligned stack.

I wouldn't rely on that, gcc is free to assume that it can address
local variables relative to the stack.  In practice, it uses %ebp
unless you use -fomit-frame-pointer, but I don't think that
manipulating the stack pointer without gcc knowing about it is
guaranteed to be safe (alloca is a special case, gcc detects that it
is used internally).  Future improvements in code generation would
also be likely to break things.

However, an easy alternative would be to make the _start entry point
an assembly language stub that calls a C function:

That would look something like this if done in crt1.c:

asm(".text; .globl _start; _start:;"
    "lea 4(%esp),%eax;"
    "andl $~15,%esp;"
    "subl $4,%esp;"
    "pushl %eax;"
    "call c_start");

static void
c_start(char **argv)

This of course assumes that static symbols have naming conventions
identical to global symbols.  (It can easily be made more predictable
by assigning the function a specific symbol)

> Maybe alignment can even be done in the kernel...

It gets messy, it has to be done before putting the env and argv
pointers in place...  On program entry, (%esp) is argc, %esp + 4 is
the beginning of the argv array and env array is located immediately
after the argv array.

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