On Fri, Dec 17, 1999 at 08:22:03AM +0100, Soren Schmidt wrote:

> Yup, sounds like the problem some are seing, now I wonder why I
> havn't seen it on any of the IBM disks I've access to, hmm...
> It apparantly can't be disabled, but I'll try to figure out if
> I can detect when the drive is in this mode, or put it in
> standby mode and back again when there is nothing else to do,
> that should reset the timer...

Note that the wd driver doesn't "report" any problems.  Don't
know if that is because the wd driver handles this differently,
or because the reporting is different.  

The machine that reports these problems runs 7/24, and has for
over a year and a half.  The IBM disk has been in for quite a
while (maybe 6 months or more).  Only ata "reports" the problem.

Note that the IBM specs say that spinup from standby to idle is
13 secs "typical" and 31 secs max for this drive.  I'm assuming
that what we're seeing is that the ata driver "lost contact"
because the timeout is less that the time it takes to spinup
from standby to idle (or to spinup from an interrupted switch
from idle to standby)?

Richard Seaman, Jr.           email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
5182 N. Maple Lane            phone: 262-367-5450
Chenequa WI 53058             fax:   262-367-5852

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