On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Peter Jeremy wrote:

> Looking at my CTM logs, I seem to be missing some pieces in the last 3
> cvs-cur postings (cvs-cur 6021, 6022, 6023).  I get two pieces
> simultaneously and then nothing until the next part.  Is anyone else
> seeing this?  Chuck isn't sure if it's anything he's done.
> Looking back, the `first two pieces simultaneously' seems to be the
> normal behaviour, but I'd expect to see the 3rd piece 30-60 minutes
> later, followed by successive parts every hour.  The last delta
> with more than 3 parts was cvs-cur.5999 (arrived 18 Jan), so the
> problem (if there is one) has occurred since then.

If you need to, you can fetch them via ftp.  Like I said, I was generating
a large amount of extra (very small) deltas while I was testing the
upgrade to allow PGP signing, I didn't think I'd caused any lossage, but
it's *possible*.

I announced on the ctm-announce list that I would be generating those
extra deltas.  Anyhow, all the testing is over, I'm just waiting on some
admin stuff before I start sending the CTM pieces (of deltas, the pieces
are the mailed version of the binary gzipped deltas) out.  Probably be
tomorrow or the next day.

> Peter
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Chuck Robey            | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | electronics, communications, and signal processing.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary.

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