:>     'kern.conf_dir' which the kernel initially sets to nothing.
:ok, i can only suggest that if you replace the sysctl kern.conf_dir
:variable with a shell variable as i did, you can achieve a more
:portable result (this also in light of Jordan's idea of having a
:2.2S CD being made... putting patches for diskless into some
:'xperimnt' directory would be helpful). Other than that, i have no
:objections, and i am very glad you raised the issue since i am
:using diskless machines a lot!

    That's what I had originally, but extracting the machine's IP
    address is not trivial, and I didn't want to stick: 

    bootp_ifc=`route -n get default | fgrep interface | awk '{ print $2; }'`
    bootp_ipa=`ifconfig $bootp_ifc | fgrep inet | head -1 | awk '{ print $2; }'`

    In /etc/rc.conf in roder to synthesize the directory containing 

    So I have rc.diskless figure it out and sto it in kern.conf_dir, and
    rc.conf extracts it from that.

:I haven't seen how you suggest to build&populate the MFS filesystems --
:right now i use a rather crude method of putting all the stuff in a tgz
:archive on the server and expanding it at runtime on the client. I
:haven't solved the problem with passwords (i.e. i just copy the files
:from the server. -- this is clearly a security hole, perhaps YP-based
:solutions would be much better).
:       cheers
:       luigi

    There isn't much to build.  Most of the MFS filesystems start out

test2:/home/dillon> df
Filesystem           1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on           63503    46447    11976    80%    /       508143   320642   146850    69%    /usr        63503    12333    46090    21%    /var
mfs:42                     959       70      813     8%    /var/run
mfs:44                    7903      596     6675     8%    /var/db
mfs:46                   31743        4    29200     0%    /var/tmp
mfs:48                   31743        8    29196     0%    /var/spool
procfs                       4        4        0   100%    /proc
mfs:66                    1511       58     1333     4%    /dev
mfs:79                   31743     1989    27215     7%    /home

    /var/run    - starts out empty
    /var/db     - starts out empty
    /var/tmp    - starts out empty
    /var/spool  - simple skeleton directory structure
    /dev        - mount server:/ to a temporary place and use cpio to populate
    /home       - populate from template ( up to the user, I include a sample )

    If I wanted to make a full system, I suppose I would make /var an MFS
    filesystem too and use the system mtree to create it's directory structure.
    But most diskless workstations do not need to run cron :-)

                                        Matthew Dillon 

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