On Wed, 27 Jan 1999, Brian Somers wrote:

> To find out if this is the problem, can you try connecting 
> interactively.  You should see the same delay.  You can then try 
> again, but during the delay, pressing return a few times at the 
> prompt should wake ppp up.  Is this happening ?

Well, I tried and didn't find any relationship between pressing return
and triggering the wakeup. This is someway hard to find, since ppp wakes
up automagically a few couple of seconds after the connection has been

However: I noticed a real big commit to ppp last night, so I decided to
wipe out /usr/src/usr.sbin/ppp + /usr/src/sys completely, recvsup'd,
recompiled kernel, ppp and tested again - problems are gone.

So there are now 2 possibilities for this problem:

a) I was out of sync :(
b) Someone fixed ppp

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