:Sorry for the cross-posting, but I am running -STABLE and I would
:like to hear from -CURRENT users about this problem.
:The panic is easily reproducible: simply, try to hard-link a file
:from a local filesystem to a NFS-mounted one (yes, I _know_ that
:this is non-sense):
:  mount remotesys:/exportedfs /mnt
:  cd /mnt
:  ln /bin/ls .   --> this complaints about cross-device link, OK
:  ln /bin/ls .   --> (yes, again)
:  panic: vrele: negative ref cnt     --> CRASH!!!
:I have confirmed this with recent 3.0-STABLE and 3.1-BETA clients
:and servers, and also with a Solaris 2.5.1 NFS server. However,
:it does not happen on a 2.2.8-RELEASE client.
:Some feedback from the NFS gurus ;-) would be very useful.
:-- JMA
:José Mª Alcaide                         | mailto:j...@we.lc.ehu.es
:Universidad del País Vasco              | mailto:j...@es.freebsd.org

    This was fixed yesterday.  Get the latest -stable and see if it still

                                        Matthew Dillon 

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