I know that, back when we ran aout, our gcc was a long way changed from
the stock gnu gcc ... I'm wondering how much our gcc is changed, now,
from the gcc that is the regular GNU distribution?

I'm wondering about the size of a project, to upgrade the compiler (this
wants a relative answer, how much larger or smaller a job is it now,
that it would have been a year ago under aout)?  Is anyone doing this?  
Has there been a decision, most especially from core, about whether we
want to use the gcc 2.8.1, or the egcs compiler?

What with the rather largeish changes that have gone into C++, it's
becoming necessary to have a more up to date compiler.  Just speaking
about ports, there are a large and growing number of them that compile
under 2.8.1, but have problems under (because of exceptions, and
other newer features).  I'm finally feeling pressure to use a later
compiler.  I'm making do with the one from ports, but I'm curious about
our system compiler.

Chuck Robey                 | Interests include any kind of voice or data 
chu...@glue.umd.edu         | communications topic, C programming, and Unix.
213 Lakeside Drive Apt T-1  |
Greenbelt, MD 20770         | I run picnic (FreeBSD-current)
(301) 220-2114              | and jaunt (Solaris7).

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