At 10:49 AM 4/3/99 -0600, Jacques Vidrine wrote:
>On 3 April 1999 at 7:49, "Kurt D. Zeilenga" <> wrote:
>> If you mean a version of regex included in the LGPL'ed libc,
>> yes, then this point might be mute.  However, if you mean
>> the regex/rx distributions, please, no.
>We're talking about gdb, so I mean the GNU regex implementation
>that is distributed as part of gdb.

Thanks for clarification.  I have no issue with how regex is used
within base applications, only with base libraries that place
redistribution restrictions upon linked software.  

BTW, does anyone have a list of which libraries in the FreeBSD
base system which place redistribution restrictions (such as
those within the GPL) upon linked software?  Please respond
directly, I'll compile responses and post a summary.

        -- Kurt

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