On Mon, 19 Apr 1999, Ilya Naumov wrote:

> i have compiled the latest kernel and encountered a problem with IPDIVERT. 
> even
> with "options IPDIVERT" string in kernel config, kernel says the following:
> IP packet filtering initialized, divert disabled, rule-based forwarding 
> disabled, logging disabled

That's because it's loading the ipfw.ko KLD.

> of course, firewall rules like "add divert natd ..." do not work. everything 
> is
> ok with old kernel (~5 days old). could anyone comment this?

I know about it, but don't know how to fix it :( However, for now, you can
go over to /usr/src/sys/modules/, edit the Makefile and add what features
you want to CFLAGS, and make depend all install clean && shutdown -r now.

> --
> sincerely,
> ilya naumov (at work)
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