On Thu, Apr 29, 1999 at 10:26:36PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> As Bob Willcox wrote ...
> > On Wed, Apr 28, 1999 at 08:45:36PM +0200, Wilko Bulte wrote:
> > > 
> > > Exabyte is not particularly famous for stable firmware. 
> > 
> > I have quite a number of 8200's here (though I don't really use them
> > much anymore since I now have a Mammoth) that I have installed new
> > firmware in.  From an email discussion with an Exabyte tech support
> > person back in '93 (I believe it was), the latest level of firmware in
> Well, you sent it to me in March 1995 (just found the original
> email ;-)
> > shipping 8200's (this was right at their end-of-life) was:
> > 
> > MX: 2680
> > SV: C034
> > 
> > This is for generic models.  OEM models may have different versions
> > due to customizations.
> And these are not recommended for general use.

Hmm, why is that?  The newest of the IBM branded Exabyte 8200's that I
have have precisely these firmware levels in them (2680 & C034).  Also,
I have here about 12 or so 8200's that I have changed to the 2687/C034
(most of them were already at C034 for the SV PROM) without problems.
Have you checked the switch settings on the MX board?  The IBM drives
that I have all came with sw8 set to on which, according to the service
manual, is for PI Cartridge Type (International).  The off position is
for P6 Cartridge type (Domestic, I assume means USA).  My drives don't
work (hang, as I recall) with this switch set to On.

For those out there without the benefit of the service manual, here is
the description of these switches:

Switch  Off Position(0)                 On Position(1)
1       Run Memory Test On              Bypass Memory Test On
        Power-on reset (65 sec)         Power-on reset (8 sec)

2       Parity checking Disabled        Parity checking enabled

3       Odd or Even byte disconnect     Even byte disconnect

4       Report busy status              No busy enable

5       Fixed block mode on             Variable block mode on
        power up                        power up

6       Normal data operations          No disconnect during
                                        data transfer

7       Reserved for future use         Reserved for future use

8       P6 Cartridge Type               PI Cartridge Type
        (Domestic)                      (International)

I have been setting my switches like so:

1       On
2       On
3       On
4       Off
5       On
6       Off
7       Off
8       Off

Notes: Switch 1 is on the left-most side (looking at the card with the
edge connector down) and the up position (closest to the top edge of the
card) is to On position.  Also, all of this applies to level 2 MX cards
only.  This is all I have ever seen, but I'm sure there are some level
1 cards out there somewhere.  According to the service manual the level
1 cards use jumpers rather than switches and though the same functions
seem to be there, there not in the same positions.  If you happen to
have one of these and want to know what their settings are email me.

Hope this helps someone,

Bob Willcox             The man who follows the crowd will usually get no
b...@luke.pmr.com        further than the crowd.  The man who walks alone is
Austin, TX              likely to find himself in places no one has ever
                        been.            -- Alan Ashley-Pitt

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