On Wed, Jun 02, 1999 at 07:19:11PM +1200, Joe Abley wrote:
> I would take issue with that. All of the regional registries require
> extremely good justification for allocating static IP addresses to
> transient network connections.

Demon (a big ISP in .uk) allocate static IP addresses for *.demon.co.uk).
They have a number of class B's, and I believe that RIPE (European IP
registry) are quite happy with Demon's very efficient use of this space.

> Other times the reason is "so the customer can carry on downloading
> after the line dropped" to which the answer is "maintain your access
> servers properly and this won't happen".

Noise on the line, house mates inadvertently picking up the 'phone, plain
bad luck. . .

> Anyway, this is off-topic. Back to your scheduled programming.

Agreed, Reply-to: points back to me.

 [intentional self-reference] can be easily accommodated using a blessed,
 non-self-referential dummy head-node whose own object destructor severs
 the links.
    -- Tom Christiansen in <37514...@cs.colorado.edu>

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