:>> This wouldn't help the poor sod whose connection gets shot down every
:>> eight days while he's not there and doesn't know what hit him.
:> If the poor sod hasn't touched his xterm for 8 days, he's either dead
:> or he doesn't care if it goes away.
:Again, Matt, with all due respect, please do not post your operational
:habits as universals.  Somebody who keeps a session to a server around
:so they can see syslog messages if there's a problem may have an idle
:connection for weeks.
:In case you still doubt the existance of such a person, I give you a
:counterexample.  Having just spoken with nemo, I am quite certain that
:he is alive and well, and from my dealings with him have no doubt he
:would become somewhat miffed if I were to kill off several of his

    Turning on keepalives would not change the effectiveness of leaving
    these xterms open if syslog is being tailed.  If there is a network
    problem, the connections will terminate from a data timeout due to the
    syslog messages being transmitted over the connection long before it
    would terminate from a keepalive timeout.

    I'm not saying that a person fitting the profile doesn't exist, I'm saying
    that there are so few of these people that the benefits outway the issues
    by several orders of magnitude.

    I can only repeat:  Turn them on and see if they effect you.  You will
    almost certainly find that they do not effect you.  Ask your friend to
    turn them on and see if they effect him.  If he's tailing syslog in those
    windows they won't effect him.


:detlev$ finger n...@[deleted]
:Login: nemo                             Name: Joel N. Weber II
:Directory: /gb/nemo                     Shell: /usr/local/bin/bash
:On since Thu Jun 03 23:49 (EDT) on tty1    2 days 3 hours idle
:On since Wed May 19 14:43 (EDT) on tty2    27 minutes 34 seconds idle
:On since Sun May 30 22:24 (EDT) on tty3    2 days 1 hour idle
:On since Sun May 30 22:27 (EDT) on tty4    2 days 3 hours idle

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