Amount of feedback received thus far: nichts, nil, nada

*sings "I'm so ronery" in his best Kim Jong-il voice* [4]

Just like Uncle Sam [5], Uncle Lawrence needs you too - yes, I'm pointing at YOU!

More specifically, people out there running current with 10-15 mins to spare for some testing, please read on.

On 06/13/10 18:12, Lawrence Stewart wrote:
Hi all,

The time has come to solicit some external testing for my SIFTR tool.
I'm hoping to commit it within a week or so unless problems are discovered.

SIFTR is a kernel module that logs a range of statistics on active TCP
connections to a log file. It provides the ability to make highly
granular measurements of TCP connection state, aimed at system
administrators, developers and researchers. You can use the data to find
bugs in the stack, understand why connections are performing badly and
test new code to name a few uses.

Development has been made possible in part by grants from the Cisco
University Research Program Fund at Community Foundation Silicon Valley,
and the FreeBSD Foundation. Bringing it into FreeBSD proper is being
carried out under the auspices of the "Enhancing the FreeBSD TCP
Implementation" FreeBSD Foundation project. More details are available
at [1,2,3].

If you can help out, please read on!

Before continuing, make sure you're running with at least svn revision
209119 (my commit to <sys/pcpu.h>), or you can manually apply the
r209119 diff to to your earlier rev source tree.

The SIFTR patch is here:

An updated version of the patch against svn head revision 209325 is available from:

There was a backwards incompatible change in the external DPCPU_SUM() macro in <sys/pcpu.h> in r209325 of head so SIFTR also had to be updated. Please adapt the following instructions as appropriate based on the patch version you're testing.

Copy it to the root of your source tree and run the following:

patch -p1 < siftr_9.x.r209119.patch

It's a loadable kernel module so you can build it for testing like so:

cd <path/to/src>/sys/modules/siftr
kldload ./siftr.ko
(don't forget to "make cleandir" to remove cruft when finished testing)

After applying the patch, you can read the man page by running:

man -M <path/to/src>/share/man siftr

If I've done a decent job, all the info you need to understand what it
does and how to use it should be in the man page.

I'm interested in all feedback and reports of success/failure, along
with details of the architecture tested and number of CPUs if you would
be so kind.

That should be enough to get the ball rolling. Thanks and I look forward
to hearing from you!





[4] (language warning)

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