On 08/13/2010 02:08, Gabor Kovesdan wrote:
> Ok, I'll take care of this soon, and make GNU grep default, again with a
> knob to build BSD grep. I agree with you that we cannot allow such a big
> performance drawback but I my measures only showed significant
> differences for very big searches and I didn't imagine that it could add
> up to such a big diference.

To be fair, I didn't notice a performance difference either until I
started revamping this code that calls my parse_index() for every single
installed port. Given a 22,042 line INDEX file, that's enough to add up
to something noticeable.

> I'm sorry for the bad decision I took making it default.

As I've said all along, I don't think you made a bad decision in having
it as the default to start. It was certainly different than what we
usually do with new utilities, but that didn't make the decision wrong.
I asked you at the time to keep an open mind about the possibility that
the default might need to be flipped, and I appreciate you being
reasonable about it now.



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