
This commit automatically ejects the CD when sysinstall exits which almost had 
dire consequences for me this week.  As described in the forum post, I keep a 
LiveFS CD in all of my servers so that I can remotely diagnose and fix issues.  
I have done this for several years now, and it has saved my tail many times.

However, I got a surprise when I tried it today with the new 8.1 LiveFS CDs I 
had just burned.  After attempting to fix a problem from the LiveFS and 
rebooting back to the HD, the problem still existed.  No problem.  I just tried 
to boot back to the CD only to find that it was gone.  Luckily, this was on a 
box in-house, so I was quickly able to see what was wrong.

Now that I have the commit, I can roll my own patched sysinstall and CDs, but 
the question is:  Should we be ejecting the media without any prompt?  
Obviously, for my use case, I liked the old behavior of just reminding the user 
to eject the media when rebooting.  I understand that may not be optimal for 
some users.  Can we present a dialog asking the user if they want the media to 
be ejected?  That still leaves me at risk of selecting the wrong answer, I 
suppose.  I would rather not have to roll my own LiveFS CDs every time, though.

Thoughts from anyone else?  (Please copy me on responses.)

- Jim

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