On Tue, Nov 02, 2010 at 07:33:50PM +0000, Bruce Cran wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 November 2010 19:12:14 Bruce Cran wrote:
> > I've noticed in recent months that I appear to be getting silent corruption
> > of my UFS filesystems - and I think it may be linked to using md(4) or
> > creating sparse files.
> I've confirmed this is a UFS bug related to sparse files: "truncate -s20G f1 
> && rm f1" is enough to trigger the error and start generating .viminfo files 
> that appear to be 20GB. When running fsck I get an "Invalid block count" 
> error 
> if I just reboot without removing the .viminfo file; if I do remove it, I get 
> a "Partially allocated inode" error.

What is .viminfo ? How is it related to the command you have shown ?
What are exact mount options you are using ?

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