[Please remove current@ when replying.]

I created the first code drop for the ongoing GEM/KMS project. Please
note that this is not an end-user release, and even _not_ a call for
testing. The project is not finished yet, and I expect quite more
efforts from me even after the scheduled project end, and from ports/x11
people, before the driver and usermode infrastructure will be ready for
the general public consumption.

That said, the patch is only of use for you now if you want to review,
debug or otherwise help the project. The driver is known to be unstable,
some parts are missing, some (esp. VM changes) are under the discussion
and propably will be changed.

If you have fix or useful bug analisys or suggestions for improvements,
you are welcome. I will not answer to the support requests for this
code now, please do not waste your time asking for it.

The pointers to the patches, useful hints for debugging and bug
reporting, and some notes are at the http://wiki.freebsd.org/Intel_GPU.
I will maintain this page further.

Current patch is ~50KLOC, it took quite an efforts to bring the code to
the state where there is something to debug. Thanks for everybody who
waited for it, and please be patient while the further work is done.

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