On Sep 19, 2011, at 5:22 PM, Antonio Olivares wrote:

>> *default host=cvsup5.FreeBSD.org
>> *default base=/var/db
>> *default prefix=/usr
>> *default release=cvs tag=.
>> *default compress delete use-rel-suffix
>> src-all
>> Save your config file (or so called supfile) someplace and run it as:
>> # csup your.supfile
>> csup will download the latest source tree for kernel and base OS.
>> Also, see FreeBSD Handbook for more information on using csup (or the
>> older, but functionally identical cvsup), and for many other questions
>> regarding general FreeBSD installation and maintenance:
>> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/cvsup.html
> Michal,
> Thank you very much for your detailed instruction.  I was able to get
> all of the sources and built nvidia driver successfully :)
> However, when I run kldload nvidia, I get a mismatch with the running
> kernel and an incompatible ?????.  I cannot post exact error as the
> machine gives me no X :(, I checked to see if enabling hald and dbus
> at /etc/rc.conf would make a difference and they have not :(, I have
> also tried nouveau and it also does not work.  No working X on FreeBSD
> 9.0 BETA 2 amd64, ports updated to latest, xorg, xorg-server, xfce4,
> ... I will post in the thread I created on this issue.

        A not very well documented hint..

$ grep PORTS_MODULES= /etc/src.conf 
PORTS_MODULES=          emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod x11/nvidia-driver

        You'll also need to boot with the new kernel. Be sure to read the 
complete handbook chapter on how to update your system from source if you plan 
to go that route.
        Once things go release you might be able to update your binaries via 
        If this seems really complicated and you want a simplified desktop 
experience, there's also PCBSD.
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