Someone was seeing the same issue with the vmtools kmod. The only
thing that might make sense is that the page lock array is defined as
being a different size in your kmod as in the kernel itself so the
lock corresponding to the page you're locking differs between the two


On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 5:25 PM, Penta Upa <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm facing a kernel panic at vm_page_wire(). Page is locked with
> vm_page_lock() yet i get the following panic
> panic: mutex page lock not owned at /usr/src/sys/vm/vm_page:1845
> Code sequence is as below
> vm_page_lock(pp);
> vm_page_lock_assert(pp, MA_OWNED); /* No panic here */
> vm_page_wire(pp); /* Panic here for the same assertion as above, strange */
> vm_page_unlock(pp);
> Kernel on the system is unchanged after install. The only thing which
> occurred out the way was that the first time install failed for checksum
> mismatch for src.txz. Also there were some SCSI errors/warnings with the CD
> drive during install. So the next time, i only installed the base and
> kernel and later unpacked src.txz under /usr/src . Could this lead to any
> issues ?
> Attached is a test module (vmtest) and the makefile used. Uname output from
> the system is
> FreeBSD scache 9.0-BETA3 FreeBSD 9.0-BETA3 #0: Sat Sep 24 21:31:28 UTC
> 2011
>  amd64
> Is there anything i'm doing wrong here ? Kindly help.
> Regards,
> Penta
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