From: Doug Barton <>
> >> Having things in ports doesn't make them less available. :)

>From "Julian H. Stacey" <>
> > It didn't used to.  It risks it now, since in last months, some
> > ports/ have been targeted by a few rogue commiters purging, who
> > want to toss ports out from one release to another without warning
> > of a DEPRECATED= in previous release Makefiles.

From: Julian Elischer <>
> which brings up teh possibility of 1st class ports.. which are kept 
> more  as part of the system..
> (sorry for sounding like a broken  record..)

Interesting idea, to bounce the idea around a bit:
It would extend the spectrum to
        /usr/src/ ..Most..
        /usr/src/ contrib
        1st class ports ... in src or ports or elsewhere ? ...
                (if elsewhere, work to reconfig mirrors & to. doc 
                 new struct later)
        /usr/ports      currently 22906
An empty current ports tree takes 485 M (& a lot of inodes which
        occasionaly trips people).
A current src tree takes 705 M 
Ports has lots of commiters
Src has less & partly different commiters & stricter watched
& more release aligned.

Maybe sometime we will see a project arise that will be a replacement
ports/ for more than one BSD, perhaps even extending to Linux, (to
avoid reinventing of the wheel that must go on with ports skeletal
structs for each OS) ( maybe with an RFC for a port/ skeleton struct
?  If so, that may have ramifications on bits of src moved to ports.

Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich
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