On 12/21/2011 4:55 AM, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
>   Brooks,
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 07:52:41PM -0600, Brooks Davis wrote:
> B> While this is the documented path, it's not actually been required
> B> except in edge cases for ages (the last I can remember is a.out->elf).
> B> It's been long enough that I don't think we can really make people do
> B> it except for a short period of time in HEAD.  I believe it's
> B> unacceptable for a release to release upgrade.
> I have provided API compatibility in r228768. I have tested it with an
> ifconfig binary taken from 9.0 installation.

So does that mean that if I upgrade to the latest HEAD from a system
built before the ifconfig changes that when I reboot my network will
come up?

> I hope, this change
> would satisfy you, and you won't say that "We almost certainly need to
> back r228571 out".

I think Brooks raised some really good points about backward
compatibility, but it sounds to me like you've addressed them. In any
case, my original concern was limited to "Do we need an UPDATING entry?" :)

> The in_control() and in6_control() are getting more and more hairy :(
> I'd eager to remove the shim in the 11.x timeline.
> Since subject mentions "dhclient", I must notice that the dhclient-script
> always relied on a bug in in_control(). The bug was fixed here:
> http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base?view=revision&revision=228313
> Later the dhclient-script was fixed:
> http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base?view=revision&revision=228463

Right, I saw those go by, which is why I tried not to jump too hard on
"ifconfig is broken" since I wasn't sure which change was causing my
problem. It sounds like you're saying that perhaps I still won't be able
to get the network up after booting a new kernel without also installing
part of the new world? Perhaps an UPDATING entry is needed after all?

> Hey, this policy greatly discourages hacking on bugs and new
> features... :(

Learning how to innovate while providing backwards compatibility is a
valuable skill. Think of this as an opportunity. :)




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