Picking a random person to reply to.

There are a lot of good suggestions in this thread, but can we please
remember a few things:

- Users can always add their own ~/.cshrc
- Many users will get annoyed by what is someone else's amazing setup

The changes I proposed were designed to add value while continuing to
be non-annoying to the vast majority of users. I'd like feedback about
the specific patch I proposed. We can also create a wiki page for
more awesome tcsh examples.

For the record this is the current version of the patch I'd like to
commit: Note that it slightly changed from the original (I removed the
duplicate prompt setup and reorganized where the edits are made to
make the diff look nicer).

commit 3ea4ea3a59d14cb060244618dd89d7dd0170bee1
diff --git a/etc/root/dot.cshrc b/etc/root/dot.cshrc
--- a/etc/root/dot.cshrc
+++ b/etc/root/dot.cshrc
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@

 alias h                history 25
 alias j                jobs -l
-alias la       ls -a
+alias la       ls -aF
 alias lf       ls -FA
-alias ll       ls -lA
+alias ll       ls -lAF
+alias ls       ls -F

 # A righteous umask
 umask 22
@@ -17,15 +18,19 @@ umask 22
 set path = (/sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games /usr/local/sbin
/usr/local/bin $HOME/bin)

 setenv EDITOR  vi
-setenv PAGER   more
+setenv PAGER   less
 setenv BLOCKSIZE       K

 if ($?prompt) then
        # An interactive shell -- set some stuff up
-       set prompt = "`/bin/hostname -s`# "
+       set prompt = "[%n@%m]%c04%# "
+       set promptchars = "%#"
        set filec
-       set history = 100
-       set savehist = 100
+       set history = 10000
+       set savehist = 10000
+       set autolist
+       # Use history to aid expansion
+       set autoexpand
        set mail = (/var/mail/$USER)
        if ( $?tcsh ) then
                bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word

Eitan Adler
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