2012/3/6, Attilio Rao <atti...@freebsd.org>:
> Author: attilio
> Date: Tue Mar  6 20:01:25 2012
> New Revision: 232619
> URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/232619
> Log:
>   Disable the option VFS_ALLOW_NONMPSAFE by default on all the supported
>   platforms.
>   This will make every attempt to mount a non-mpsafe filesystem to the
>   kernel forbidden, unless it is expressely compiled with

This is just a gentle reminder in order to point you further to the
"official" page:

and to mention that the time for removing non-mpsafe filesystem is approaching.
In 6 months we will disconnect from the tree the non-mpsafe
filesystems and will remove the whole non-mpsafe handling
infrastructure in the VFS and the buffer cache, thus please think
about stepping up and convert your favourite filesystem.


Peace can only be achieved by understanding - A. Einstein
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