В Thu, 15 Dec 2011 01:02:03 +0100
"O. Hartmann" <ohart...@zedat.fu-berlin.de> пишет:

> Just read this on
> phoronix.com
> Is this finally a chance to get GPGPU on FreeBSD natively supported?
> nVidia has a binary driver, supporting well their higher end graphics
> cards on FreeBSD 64bit natively.
> I do not understand much about the compiler itself, it's "nvcc" as far
> as I know, and it is also doing well OpenCL (with some serious bugs we
> revealed).
> What would be needed to bring FreeBSd finally back to the HPC scenario
> with being capable of dealing natively with GPGPU stuff on nVidia
> graphics cards? There are libraries installed by the driver or the
> SDK. With a OpenSource compiler it should also be possible for nVidia,
> assumed the compiler works with freeBSD natively, to provide OpenCL
> stuff as well as CUDA stuff.
> Please correct me and destroy me "dreams" having FreeBSD in my lab
> working on GPUs ...
> The decission sounds like some pitfall in a contract. Is nVidia
> dropping CUDA in favour of OpenCL or is the CUDA compiler only a tiny
> piece of the whole thing that could be easily considered open source
> without changing the "great restricted Linux-only" picture?
> Maybe LLVM, now part of FreeBSD's backbone, is capable of taking
> advantage of the opening of the CUDA compiler so we will see a
> combination of CLANG/OpenCL/CUDA soon on FreeBSD introduced by LLVM?
> Well, well, this is awesome ... ;-)
> Oliver

Perhaps it will interest yous http://runtime.bordeaux.inria.fr/StarPU/
Just tried it - excellent build from source code in FreeBSD CURRENT.
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