Thanks a lot to investigate this problem so deeply.
I have, maybe related, a bit strange phenomenon among xdm, too.

I have a bit different setup than others: I'm using modified
x11/gdm/files/ to launch xdm.

The problem is, when I start xdm manually from ttyvX like this:
exec sudo service xdm start

xdm won't start, while doing like this:
sudo service xdm start; sleep 10; exit

xdm starts happily.

To emulate this symptom for those who don't use rc.d/xdm, in ttyvX:
exec sudo sh -c "(sleep 10; /usr/local/bin/xdm) &"

(The amount to sleep may differ if some race conditions are involved.)

I guess the root cause seems to reside in accessing revoke(2)-ed
(or possibly, about to be revoke(2)-ed) tty.

I hope my shallow observation can shed some lights from different perspective.

-|-__   YAMAMOTO, Taku
 | __ <     <>

      - A chicken is an egg's way of producing more eggs. -

Post Scriptum:
In my environment and/or setup, xdm auto-starts fine 100% times
via rc.d on system startup.
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