On 06/29/2012 01:50 PM, Oleg Moskalenko wrote:
> 5) NBSD adds several of its own new proprietary options:
>   --mergesort
>   --qsort
>   --heapsort
>   --radixsort
>   --nthreads=... (multi-threaded build only)


First, thank you very much for providing both the performance numbers,
and the breakdown in the differences in command line options. Everything
looks great, my only concern is the above.

Are there similar/identical options in NGNU that correspond to the
options above? If so, I would be hesitant to add new names for them
because it hurts portability between platforms. If these are totally new
features then my assumption is that you have clearly marked them as
non-portable in the man page?

Once again, I really appreciate you addressing my concerns, and your
hard work on this project.

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