On 2012-Jul-12 10:01:10 +0000, Baptiste Daroussin <b...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>What is pkg
>pkg is a new package manager for FreeBSD. It is designed as a replacement for
>the pkg_* tools, and as a full featured binary package manager.

A couple of specific questions that I haven't seen answered during
this thread or in the wiki:
- Can pkgng cope with parallel installs?  What happpens if I
  simultaneously (attempt to) install conflicting packages?
- If I use "pkg delete -f", what happens to packages that depended
  on the forcibly-deleted package?
- What happens if I delete a package where I've modified one of the
  files managed by the package?
- What facilities does it have for auditing and repairing the package
  database? (ie checking for inconsistencies between installed files
  and the content of the package database)
- How does it handle the situation where I install a package that
  depends on foo version 1.2.3 but have foo version 1.2.4 (or 1.2.2)
  installed?  What about if I have bar version 1.3, which is ABI-
  compatible with foo version 1.2.3, installed?
- Will it detect that a package install would overwrite an existing
  file?  What does it do in this case?
- I gather it handles "update package" more intelligently than
  "uninstall old package, install new package".  Will it avoid
  replacing an old file with an identical one in the new package?
  If so, what happens to the file metadata (particularly uid, gid
  and mtime)?
- Can it track user-edited configuration files that are associated
  with packages?
- Can it do 2- or 3-way merges of package configuration files?
- The README states "Directory leftovers are automatically removed if
  they are not in the MTREE."  How does this work for directories
  that are shared between multiple packages?  Does this mean that if
  I add a file to a directory that was created by a package, that
  file will be deleted automatically if I delete the package?

Peter Jeremy

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